无法登陆或更新,老是提示”出错,请稍后尝试” wtf?!?
无法登陆或更新,老是提示”出错,请稍后尝试” wtf?!?
目前的版本里面多了很多贴心的设计 比如滚动阅读,虽然有时候换章节时跳到的位置不对,而且书签没有其他方式那么好用 消费我被“字数”坑过,目前没敢尝试。但是要想有好评,那起点币就不应该区分出iOS和网页版,最好还可以有自定义使用赠币的方式 书架的bug比较糟糕,比如推送提醒更新了,书架里没更新。比如书架更新了,但那本书的章节列表没更新。比如书架的最后更新时间也总是不对,有些还要我打开那本书才更新。你们大概需要一个懂得notification center 或者 observer pattern 的iOS app developer。 设置-通知中无法设置推送功能,你们需要一个知道setting bundle的iOS app developer 貌似不能只收藏不下载!! 红色太吓人了,每次打开都被吓一跳。虽然目前国人对红色有盲目的崇拜,但红色对用户体验来说糟糕至极 夜间模式是个好东西,但是只有在阅读的时候起作用而不是整个app。一去书评或者目录或者书末页就亮瞎。换书看时尤其恶劣,每次三更半夜的换书都要被那明亮的显眼的红色吓到! 在晚上我整台手机一堆东西就只有起点app不知道什么叫夜间模式,一团漆黑下只要开着起点app就能当手电筒,night shift 都压不住 此次长评是我修改过一篇未发的一星骂人评论而来,纪念你们想方设法制造各种不便而被迫使用一个垃圾app直到这次更新。对比删掉的评论,目前投票系统和章末提醒投票是我最满意的改进,也是能拿到三星评价的主要理由
Crushing every time try to open, dont update
Unstable version. Crashed when preloading text...
在手机上买了点在网站上居然不显示!你们研发网页和App的是一个公司的吗? 另外app performance 太差了。慢得要命。好多页面都load 不了。
Can not load or refresh, mistake information, wrong status, can not buy the new capital when I have enough money, etc. is this a real app for customers? Wow
very very bad
This version does not work at all. I am using iPhone 7 plus with iOS 10.2.
Can you roll back?
Crash every time during app launch. Please fix
起点 application refuses to open after Dec 22 upgrade. I restarted iPhone and closed all programs but it still wont open. Please fix it.
New version crashes all the time
无法运行app,在开始画面直接crash。fix pls!
I bought some points for my first account and then it asked me to register with my phone number. After the registration it gave me a new account with NOTHING! Cant wait to see this company die, smile.
maybe cuz I already have an account, so I dont have any problems with this app.
Usable in europe.
Thx for uploading this app!!
Could not sign in after purchase. No refund, do not use this. Its a trap.